Valentina Schandl, born in 1995, lives and works in Vienna. As a photographer, she focuses on the female body and does not want to leave the narrative of femininity to men alone. It is important to her to break with the staging of the woman as a passive object and the role of the man as an active viewer and to make nude photographs of women accessible to both sexes. Her photographs show the contrast between the softness and strength of a woman and combine them in one picture. Aesthetics and taboo are two main focuses that always come together in her work. The works are very direct. By masking or leaving out the face, the body becomes an independent entity that prompts the viewer to deal with the role of the female body. Her sometimes provocative works always have the task of starting valuable discourses and breaking taboos on sexuality. In 2016 she started with the medium of photography and moved to Rio de Janeiro, where she developed her first photo series. In 2019 she completed her diploma in photography at the Graphische Wien. Since then her works are shown at international exhibitions and auctions. In 2024, she completed her Bachelor's degree in Art History at the University of Vienna and works as a curator alongside her artistic practice.
-Benefiz Auction Art for Children at Albertina Museum Vienna
-Art Week Turin Soluzioni festival
-Art Week Berlin at Studio IIII
-The ultimate disguise is nothing at Vienna Gallery
-MQ Vienna Salon der Kulturen
-Parallel Vienna 2023 Group Show Büroweltausstellung
-Parallel Vienna 2023 Artist Intervention
-Belvedere 21 Über das Neue. Wiener Szenen und darüber hinaus
-Auction Delta Cultura in cooperation with Dorotheum Vienna
-Hotel Kunst x Dessous Vienna
-ZORY: UA at Improper Walls Gallery
- SMart Parallel Vienna
-Art Fair Vienna at Hofburg
-Biennale Tuscany
-Art Care auction
-ICEP auction
-Auction Delta Cultura in cooperation with Dorotheum
-Foto Wien Dessous Gallery
-Foto Wien Artcare
-Female Art Auction 2021 Artcare
-Best of 2021 Art Auction Artcare
-Young Art Auction 2021 Artcare
-Parallel Vienna
-Loosenart Contrast Rome
-Meat is murder Red Carpet Award Vienna
-13th Venice International Art Fair
-Auction Delta Cultura in cooperation with Dorotheum Vienna
-Parallel Vienna Editions
-SALON 2020 at Schwarzenbergplatz
-Auction Delta Cultura in cooperation with Dorotheum
-ICEP auction 2020
-Curator and Exhibitor of "zu verschenken" at Red Carpet Award Showroom Volkstheater
-CAFE MUSEUM x FWON x Salon Schwarzenbergplatz
-Red Cross Benefiz auction in cooperation with Sotheby's
-Art Attech 5
-Wien darf nicht Österreich werden at Peithner Lichtenfels Galerie
-Red Cross Benefiz auction in cooperation with Sotheby's
-Sankt Petersburger Erhängung at Iko Art Gallery
Publications: Nakidmagazine, Coevalmagazine, Cakemagazine, Papmagazine,
Fizzymagazine, Toksickmagazine, Les Nouveaux Riches Magazin, Das Biber Magazin,
Toy Tonics Magazine